Guascor Cylinder Head Recondition Kit for SFGM560 engine (1977450)
19.77.450 involves all parts necessary for a Guascor SFGLD cylinder head reconditioning as per the table below.
1977450 |
Item | Part number | Quantity | Description |
1610079 | 8 | Valve cotter | |
1 | 1910174 | 2 | Intake valve guide |
2 | 1910296 | 2 | Exhaust valve guide |
3 | 1910026 | 4 | Valve seat |
4 | 1610072 | 4 | Valve stem seal |
5 | 1910183 | 4 | Valve |
6 | 1910181 | 4 | Valve disk |
7 | 1910182 | 4 | Washer |
8 | 7415002 | 4 | Circlip |
Part numbers indicated in the above table are subject to changed without notice!
1977450 is available in OEM version. High quality workmanship, reliable alternative to the original kit.
The OEM version does not involve the valve disk since it is not need to change.
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